This elegant shaped, black basaltic stone was found on a beach in Denmark in 2005 by Yvonne Graubaek. It is a completely natural stone whose black color contrasted with the common gray stones on the beach. Graubaek felt a sense of quiet, soft calmness and a feeling of happiness when she viewed this stone. These feelings occurred on the day she collected the stone and they continue to the present. The feelings that this stone generates when viewed is extraordinary. Graubaek personally carved the hardwood base for this stone. Her modern style base beautifully matches the shape of the stone. She had a Paulownia box made for this stone in Japan. The name comes from the rare opportunity to find a stone of this caliber.
“Once in a Lifetime” was exhibited at the European Suiseki Association’s 2011 convention in Prague, Czeck Republic. It was given the best foreign category award in the exhibition. The stone is 17cm wide, 7.5 cm high and 11 cm deep.