This new section on the VSANA website features poems, short works of prose, and paintings featuring stones. The works can feature smaller indoor stones or larger rocks displayed in gardens or courtyards. Aesthetically pleasing and unusual stones have been celebrated in these art forms for centuries, however, they often become overlooked in viewing stone appreciation practices. As a result, we hope to bring fine examples of poems, prose, and paintings to the attention of our readers each month. These may be recent works or they may be from scholars and artists centuries old. We believe there is a wealth of art relating to viewing stones that is unknown to most viewing stone enthusiasts.
We will publish a new stone each month and challenge our poetry-writing colleagues to compose original poems based on their reactions to this stone. Writers are encouraged to send us short works that relate directly to some aspect of viewing stones. Poems may be Haiku or Tanka, but they may also be other forms of short poems. Previously published results will be considered if permission for reproduction is available. Here’s our new challenge stone for poets for June 2023.
Please join us to promote stones through poems, prose, and paintings.
Click here to send your inquiries and submissions to Tom Elias.
Poets are invited to respond to this Korean landscape stone. This Seta River stone was named “Cape Kangen, Cape of the Depressed Boulder” by its previous owner Motoyama Yukio of Osaka.