This large Palombino stone from Liguria, Italy was found by Luciana Queirolo and was displayed at the 18th annual exhibition and convention of the Associazione Italiana Amatori Suiseki (AIAS) held near Naples, Italy October 10-11, 2015. It is a beautiful landscape stone. Luciana described this stone after she had found it. She wrote:
“Travel to the mountains and seas ... looking for an ideal, or for soul mate of the object of desire: in our case, of a stone.
How many kilometers we have covered, in the car and on foot!
Then, you take a walk around your workplace, because you do not have time to go farther. And this stone, surrounded and obscured by empty bottles and plastic plates left by tourists, was there waiting for me."
Luciana Queirolo is the president of AIAS and one of Italy great collectors of stones from Liguria.