The rich orange-brown colored layer adjacent to a darker, mottled brown layer and the circular shape is typical of many water worn Dahua stones that came from deep waters of the Red River in northern Guangxi Province. This stone with its base is 19 cm long, 16 cm wide, and stands 7 cm high. This flatten river rock was transformed into a figure stone resembling a turtle by a creative and skilled wood worker who carved a thin shell of a base with two legs, and a head at one end. Turtles are a symbol of longevity in China and are frequently objects in Chinese stone appreciation. Dahua stones were first introduced to the stone appreciation community in the late 1990s, and in a few years became immensely popular. They range in size from small, fist-sized to stones as large as a small car. Today, high quality Dahua stones are in great demand, and command very high prices.
Lingbi Stone from Anhui Province
Songhua (Pine Flower) Stone
Dahua Stones from Guangxi Province
"Mountains All in Sight" Wen Stone
"Heritage" Lingbi Stone from Anhui Province
Yadan Stone "The Snail"