By Collector and owner, Meet Vekaria; Daiza and photography by Jeff Shortt
The stone is a sedimentary river rock. The dimensions are: 21.5 cm (8.5 inches) W x 11.5 cm (4.5 inches ) H x 10 cm (4 inches) D, without daiza.
Working at Anga’s Farm and Nursery in Etobicoke, a borough of Toronto, Meet found the stone near a pile of river rock for sale. The stone’s unusual features caught his attention and he collected it for use in his aquarium.
As a new member of the Toronto Bonsai Society, he brought it to a meeting for opinions. It immediately drew attention, plans were changed, and Meet started his Viewing Stone collection. Jeff Shortt volunteered to create the base.
The layering and angularity of the Stone inspired the unusual daiza design. Jeff employed thin slabs of walnut to echo the sharp contours and angles, using chunkier pieces for the feet to reflect the powerful solidity of the stone. He used two tones of stain to bring out the stone’s subtle colors. The daiza was more “constructed” than carved.