A subtle landscape gift of Palombino intact. A layered sedimentary stone. The dimensions of this stone are 31 x 20 x 7 cm.
jagged mountain
the hillbilly music
of a vintage guitar
R. Suresh babu, India
mining town
the mountain
without its crown
R. Suresh babu, India
Tuscan sun
pale stone gleams
on ancient walls
Sandip Chauhan, India
cathedral silence
centuries of prayers
etched in stone
Sandip Chauhan, India
Ligurian cliff
hidden in its folds
a pigeon's hue
Sandip Chauhan, India
burial mound
the ants feast
on his favourite snacks
R. Suresh babu, India
ring of the pigeon
rolls sleepily through the wood...
just a five note call
Pat Geyer, USA
in-between the layers
beneath the shine
revelations unwind
Pamela Garry, USA
a balancing act
between valleys and peaks
i become mote
attendee panel closed
Pamela Garry, USA
a lava-scarred
volcanic landscape
stirs again
Tracy Davidson, UK
alien landscape
what was once a city
before the Earth burned
Tracy Davidson, UK
mountain trek
I call it quits
at base camp
Tracy Davidson, UK
peaks & valleys
throughout our lives—
the long road home
Pamela A. Babusci, USA
distant thunder mountains darken one by one
Pamela A. Babusci, USA
jewel of a home…
up and down in the mountainous
Italian landscape
Barbara Anna Gaiardoni, Italy
she awaits
under the lonely sky
the sun will rise
to pour the rays of hope
over her mountains of grief
Pravat Kumar Padhy, India
layers of stories
the artist leaves behind
his fingerprints
Pravat Kumar Padhy, India
war in the news
shadows veil over
the family
Pravat Kumar Padhy, India
moonlit mountains
all in silvery shimmer…
deafening silence
Natalia Kuznetsova, Russia
somewhere in space…
mysterious landscapes and
Natalia Kuznetsova, Russia
contours of melody await the conductor
Hema Ravi, India
search for
the silky smooth
beneath the ruggedness
Hema Ravi, India