By Thomas S. Elias
2014; Floating Worlds Editions, hard bound with dust jacket. 147 pages, 22 x 28 cm.
English. $50 when published.
A gallery of the finest North American viewing stones from private and institutional collections, with essays on the history of viewing stones in the West, modern North American appreciation concepts, Native American stone traditions, and the place of viewing stones in contemporary art. It has received numerous rave reviews.
By Richard Turner, Thomas S. Elias and Paul Harris
2020; Viewing Stone Association of North America. Hardbound with dust jacket. 204 pages, 24 x 30 cm. English.
Contemporary Viewing Stone Display provides a comprehensive guide to viewing stone traditions and practices, featuring a gallery of stunning stone displays by an international array of collectors. Essays trace the evolution of viewing stone display strategies as they developed in China and Japan over the centuries, consider ecological and philosophical issues viewing stones raise in our Anthropocene epoch, and delineate design principles to inform and inspire stone enthusiasts in creating displays. Balanced between a rigorous historical grounding in viewing stone appreciation and an inclusive spirit of experimentation, Contemporary Viewing Stone Display opens fresh perspectives on an ancient practice to all readers, from the curious to the connoisseur.
by Thomas S. Elias, Lianju Li and Christopher Y. Fan.
2018; Viewing Stone Association of North America. Hard bound with dust jacket. 148 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm. English. $50 when published
This book is the first work in English about the viewing stones arts of Yunnan province in southwestern China. This famous and historically important region has a great diversity of stone types including the famous Dali marble.
by Thomas S. Elias, 2021
softbound, 272 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm (11 x 8.5 inches)
Viewing Stone Association of North America, ISBN 978-0-578-98539-8
This is the print version of the most comprehensive book featuring small-sized viewing stones ever published in the English language. Over 400 stones are illustrated in this volume. The book is the product of the online Small Stone Contest. The enthusiastic response of 573 submissions from 127 stone collectors from 24 countries reflects the globally popularity and appeal of small stone collected and appreciated by their aesthetic qualities.
by Thomas S. Elias & Hiromi Nakaoji.
2010; Floating Worlds Editions. Soft cover, 141 pages, 17.8 x 25.5 cm. English. $29.95 when published
This is the most comprehensive book in the English language on these extraordinary flower pattern stones, mainly from China and Japan. It sets a new standard for books relating to the art of stone appreciation.