Update: We received many more entries to our small stone contest than we expected! We received 572 entries from 127 people from 24 countries. The entries are great and we are still examining and evaluating each one. This process is taking more time than we anticipated; however, we are making good progress towards our goal of producing an E-book of a majority of the entries by summer 2021. Watch each month for a progress report.
To promote the collection and display of small aesthetically pleasing viewing stones following traditional and contemporary traditions. The contest will focus on individual stones and stone displays.
Open to the public worldwide, no entry fee.
Criteria: To qualify as a small stone, it cannot exceed 15 cm (6 inches) in width, height, or depth without a base (daiza) or other accompanying objects.
There are two main categories—stones and stone displays in two subcategories.
For this contest, an
individual stone is a rock in a base or a stone in a tray or on fabric. A
stone display is a rock and base or rock and tray accompanied by other features (including but not limited to a scroll, painting, plant, tempai, wood objects, and others). A stone and the stone display can be in a traditional or contemporary base.
Submissions: October 1 through December 30, 2020. Each person can submit up to five entries. They can be photographs of individual stones or stone displays, but the total number of entries per person cannot exceed five entries.
Please use the Submission form on this website. Ensure images are at least 5MB in file size.
Results: If a sufficient number of entries are received, VSANA will publish an e-book of all of the accepted entries in the spring, 2021. This book will be available for purchase.
Places and Prizes: 10% of the entries will receive an Excellence Award. An additional 10% of the entries will receive an Outstanding Award. No first, second, or third awards will be given.
Judging: The entries will be blind judged; that is, the judges will not know the names of the people submitting entries. The judge's names will be revealed when the accepted entries are published.
Questions? Use our contact form to reach us with your questions.