Write a haiku inspired by this outstanding Japanese viewing stone. Please use the entry form at the link below.
Open to the public worldwide, no entry fee.
The haiku must be original, not posted Online or in print. Each poem should be three lines (in English) with no specific syllable count, just a song-like haiku rhythm of short, long, short. The haiku must relate to this viewing stone or what the viewer sees in this stone.
February 3, 2020 through March 31, 2020 only. Each person can submit up to three poems using the official entry form.
Only the winners will be notified by email shortly after the deadline. The winning haiku will be published on the VSANA website approximately one month after the close of the contest. All rights revert back to the authors after the posting on the VSANA website. If reprinted later, first-credit should be given to VSANA.
Places and Prizes:
First, Second, Third and two honorable mentions. First Prize receives $100 plus a viewing stone book, Second Prize receives $50 plus a book, Third Prize receives $25 plus a book, and the two honorable mentions receive a book. All prize winners will receive a certificate.
This contest will be blind judged; that is, the judge will not know the names of the people submitting entries. The judge’s name and comments will be revealed when the poems are published on the VSANA website.
Use our contact form to reach us with your questions.