By Rick Klauber, October, 2017
The Viewing Stone Study Group (VSSG) of the Puget Sound Bonsai Association (PSBA) is a loosely knit group of stone hunters and exhibitors with a diverse style for viewing stone presentations of stones collected in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The group was established in 2009 in the Puget Sound area to provide exhibitions for an annual show at the Pacific Bonsai Museum and the Regional Bonsai shows when sponsored by the PSBA. The group maintains an e-mail list of 35 contacts, but there is no formal meeting schedule or no dues are collected.
Exhibit at the Regional Bonsai Convention curated by Edd Kuehn, October 2016
Each year at the Pacific Bonsai Museum the group sponsors a juried show of some 30 stones most often found in the Pacific Northwest. A requirement for these annual shows is that no stone has been previously exhibited. By enforcing this requirement, the group promotes the collection of new material and base-making for these new finds each year. Standards of practice vary widely and are encouraged as the group is interested in presenting a diverse representation of the varied Asian traditions. Each year there is a publication of all the stones juried in to the exhibition made available at cost to the membership.
In addition, to encourage participation the VSSG provides informal displays at PSBA monthly meetings to show new finds to the membership at large. A one-hour formal multimedia piece on what to look for and how to construct a viewing stone base has been compiled by Edd Kuehn and is presented biennially to the PSBA and to other stone enthusiasts in the region.
The core of the viewing stone study group includes Rick Klauber, Edd Kuehn, Patrick Metiva and Joel Schwarz. These individuals organize two or more stone-hunting trips each year and actively promote the art form through informal gatherings.
“Pattern Stone” 12 x 15.2 x 8.3 cm (4.75 x 6.0 x 3.25 inches) Snohomish County, WA - Joel Schwarz
“Preening” 9.5 x 14 x 5 cm (3.75 x 5.5 x 2.0 inches) County. WA - Patrick Metiva