
 A Black Ying Figure Stone

into the deep space, silence beckons

Hema Ravi, India 

meandering stream

beneath the wintry white


Hema Ravi, India 

black autumn

even the stone

has eyes

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni, Italy

with twists and turns...


Nature's song

Hema Ravi, India

ages petrified 

living nightmare-


R K Singh, India 


my place in this world 

Ying viewing stone

Julie Bloss Kelsey, USA

this Yingde stone

a sleeping baby 


Julie Bloss Kelsey, USA

Sisyphus’ labors …

trying to see meaning

in everything

Natalia Kuznetsova, Russia

ugly face of war

buried under the rubble

faith hope and love

Natalia Kuznetsova, Russia

about to leap 

a sound in the water 

ripples stillness

Pravat Kumar Padhy, India

playing horse-y

the matching twinkle

in grandpa's eyes

Neena Singh, India

dark forest 

the old dragon rests

awaiting his prey

Neena Singh, India 

an Atlas
carrying the weight

of the world

on his back

since aeons of time

Neena Singh, India

into the tissues…

the lingering summer heat

ripens my dry cough

Monica Kakkar, India and USA

puff of a hookah

emerges from shifting sands

clouds before the moon

Monica Kakkar, India and USA

more than fifty shades

mirror autumn loneliness

palette of dust clouds

Monica Kakkar, India and USA

dawn rising

on the verge

of a worm

Lorraine A. Padden, USA

edge of the nest

a fledgling leaves

more room

Lorraine A. Padden, USA

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