
A turtle and a frog both spotted a grasshopper that would make a tasty meal. Who will make the first move? The skillfully carved wood bases have transformed these two Chinese river stones into recognizable viewing stones.

frog v. turtle

playing another game

of grab-a-grasshopper

Tracy Davidson, UK 

reworked fable

slow and steady no match

for an amphibian’s tongue

Tracy Davidson, UK 

watching wildlife-

the fittest always wins

nothing personal

Natalia Kuznetsova  

the timeless story

of the hunter and then prey

kids playing tag

Natalia Kuznetsova 

holiday picture

between the stones

frog eggs

Wieslaw Karlinski

turtle and frog stir 

still grasshopper unaware

slow day of summer 

Monica Kakkar, India & USA 

arguing over

who gets the drumstick

the quarry flies away

Seren Fargo, USA

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